Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dreaming Reality

I'm not sure if what I'm feeling, is real.

The feelings that I have for her, are over the top.
I can't stop thinking about her, and all I want is to be with her.

I want to be the closest person to her, and be there when ever she may need it.
To be her best friend, and to listen to what she has been locked up, deep inside.
Hold her close to me, and tell her how I feel.

What I'm afraid of is, IF I EVEN LOVE HER!!!
If what I'm feeling is an illusion or if it's real.

She is so beautiful.
She is perfect.
I cant explain how I feel when I'm around her.

I have all these feelings for her, but I wonder if that's just my feelings telling me what it wants, instead of what really is there. 
Maybe I'm scared that she wont like me, and so I'm trying to make her like me.
I'm scared that I am telling myself that she likes me, and she really doesn't.
I think I am telling myself that I like her, because I don't want to look for someone else.
Or if I find someone else, that by my leaving, it will hurt her.

That's another thing about me.
I have a tendency to attach myself to people.

I don't want to lose her!!!
If I tell her my feelings, will she tell me that she has the same feelings for me, or will she reject me.

I don't think I could take it, if she didn't have the same feelings for me.

So I think, I cover it up by telling myself that she likes me.
Its just hard to tell what she really thinks of me, because she has been hurt in the past.
She might be afraid to admit her feelings for me, or even might not know how to show or tell the feelings she has towards me.
Because she might not know how to express her feelings, or even how to be loved.
I am going to show her how to love, by showing the love that I have for her.
But will she accept me?

I think, I'm trapped in the dream that has been inside my head.
I need a reality check, so Waiter...


I want to know if this is real.
I'm done living in a dream.
I'm done living my life not knowing if I'm awake or dreaming

So Am I Scared!?
Am I in Love!?

There is only one way to find out.
Because we all wake up eventually..;.
