Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'm not sure what love is :/

What is Love? Is it...

When I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and get butterfly's and goosebumps... Is that Love?

When I hug her for the first time, and she puts her arms around my neck and she doesn't let go... Is that Love?

When she sees me across the hall, and squeezes through the crowd just to give me a hug and say hi... 

When she stares me in the eyes the whole time that we are talking, and she laughs at everything I say...

When I sit on the couch and she chooses the seat right next to me...

When our elbows touch for the first time, and she doesn't pull hers away...

When I take her to the movies, and I see that she has her hand out on her leg, and I take hold of it and we share a short glance at each other, and my heart just stops(yes, I know when girls are giving you the sign to hold their hand)...

When I'm walking with her and I cant get myself to hold her hand...and she grasps my hand, and locks her fingers with mine... Is that love?

When I call her on the phone, and we talk for hours about anything and everything...

When my heart aches every time that we are apart...

When we decide, that we will sneak out for the first time together...

When I drove through a rain storm at night, just to be with her and talk about things...

When we drove around and got lost, but we didn't care, because we had each other...

When we set out a blanket on a hill and watched a lightning storm together... 

When we watched movies in my basement and we would snuggle under a blanket and not pay attention to the movie...

When I picked you up from your house, and we drove to the park to look at the stars...

When she held me so close that I could feel her own heart beat...

When I looked into her eyes and I told her that I loved her... Was that really love?

When I lifted her chin, and kissed her lips for the first time...

When I held her close to me as she cried, and I cried with her... 

When I would do anything for her... Was that love?

But that one day came...
and it all changed...

I thought that you loved me, but I know now that you must not have, because if you did...
Wouldn't we still be, together?...

I'm now here trying to make scents of my feelings...wondering if what we had was real...
Because I somehow cant forget about you, but you somehow were able to forget about me.

I'm trying to forget you, but you became apart of my soul, and you ripped it right out.

But I have fixed my heart, and I wont give it away so easily.

And so you see...I'm not sure what love is, because if all that wasn't love...

Then what is?


  1. "When she cried and I cried with her" -LOVE

    I'm diggin' the fact you think about her this way. Adorable.

  2. The world needs more guys like you. This is so deep I like it!

  3. Love doesn't always go both ways, maybe the fact of the matter is that you knew love, but she has yet to understand it.

    This post broke my heart.

    So beautiful.
