Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dont Eat Crayons

We have all tasted Crayons before when we were kids.
Here is a list of Delicious crayons you might want to try if your interested.

These are real crayon color name, and what they taste like.

Almond: Tastes like wax
Apricot: Tastes not like an Apricot
Asparagus: Tastes like wax
Beaver: Tastes like a crayon
Burnt Orange: Tastes....really bad
Chestnut: Tastes like wax
Corn flower: That don't sound very delish
Cotton Candy: Tastes like lies!
Egg Plant: No one wants to try Egg plant in the first place
Inch worm: Don't eat it
Macaroni and Cheese: Tastes like wax
Melon: Tastes more like, dang wax
Mulberry: Sounds like a moldy berry
Peach: You lied to me, this doesn't taste like peaches
Pink Sherbet: Tastes like a crayon
Plum; Tastes like wax
Raw Umber...? Sounds like a type of tree bark
Salmon: Tastes like Salmon! JK no it don't
Tumble Weed: That doesn't sound very delicious.
Wild Strawberry: Tastes like Wild Strawberry.....(no, it does not) :'(
Wild Watermelon: Tastes like wax

Yummy!!! If you now have sudden urges to eat crayons. 
Go right ahead, no one cares. Except for the people seeing you do it.... They will probably think you are weird, and be very afraid...... But who cares what people think! Have fun!

Found this picture of Bert....and it made me happy:)


  1. i liked this. creative and funny. great job friend!

  2. Hah! Random, weird, yet honest and creative. I like it :)
