0). No idea who they are!
These are the people you pass in the hallways or on the street and you haven't got a clue of who they are.
1). You know there face, but not their name!
These are the people you recognize, but don't know them. like all the kids who grew up in your grade all through school.
2).You know the person!
You got there name down and you say hi to them in the halls and such, or the are your seat mate in school.
3). Friends!
You actually talk and have inside jokes. You don't just ignore them outside of class and school.
4). Hangout!
Successfully planned and outing where you will be together outside of school. Either at someones house, or at some random geographical location. The Cluuuub?

6). Hand Hold!
The hardest decision and possibly thing a Man will ever do or accomplish, besides the Kiss! It is not easy girls! We have this little mental breakdown and conflict in our brain, deciding if we should go for it or not. Anyways, this is when the two of you have enough feelings for each other that you hold hands. It feels good! You feel so great after you have accomplished this.
7). Snuggle/Arm Around!
The two of you are comfortable enough to share the same space. Wrapped up in each others arms, you feel safe, secure, and warm. The guy has his arm around the girl, and she curls up into his arms usually.

This one is huge! The feelings you have for each other can not be expressed strong enough by just hand holds, snuggling, and love talk. Kissing brings the two of you closer, if used right. This is a very strong and emotional thing. You shouldn't mess with it. Love will freakin punch you if you don't use it for its intended purpose. This crap is real!
9). Relationship!
A combination of the previous stages that make up this stage. The two of you get to know each other more deeply, and you learn to truly love everything about the person. But It doesn't always go the way you want it...which brings us to the next stage.
10). Breakup!
When, what ever you had before doesn't work anymore. This happens when the person you were in a relationship with, was not the one. The one person you will spend your whole life with. It happens mainly when you mess around with love. Some one will get hurt. Don't go through these stages like its a game. You should be sincerely searching for the right partner. Lame thing is you will usually never see each other again, or be friends. Your relationship is torn. You fall all the way back down to stage 2 or 3.... Sorry
But honestly its good to go though a few breakups to strengthen yourself. The experience is good, because you can learn from your mistakes. I know, because I have gone though some. And it has helped me understand what I really want. I want to be in love with the girl of my dreams, not with what we do. I want to love her for everything she is. If your lucky, you might be able to get to the next Stage...
11). Marriage!
A combination of true love, respect, and allegiance for each other.
I'm not actually sure what to write for Marriage, but I will know when I get there.
I liked this a lot. My favorite line was the last line.
ReplyDelete"Elbow Touch"
ReplyDelete-Kip Saunders
I second what Charli Davis said!
ReplyDeleteThe elbow touch. Hahah soooo good.
ReplyDeleteLiterally perfect!