Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thunderstorms, Math, and Love

I often find myself in dark places. I spend all my time outside when a thunderstorm rolls in. I wake up early and walk around my house with all the lights still off. I sit in my room at night and stare out the window at the moon. I find myself laying on the cold grass outside staring up at the stars.

Why do I do this?

I have been thinking, and I think I know why!

In the light, you can see everything. Nothing is hidden from you. Nothing!!! But in the dark, I can focus on things more. In the light you are distracted by everything, but in the dark, you cant see anything. By surrounding myself in darkness, my mind goes blank. It is not processing what it is seeing because, there is no light. I am not thinking about anything...

My mind becomes dark...

When this happens, your mind isn't thinking about anything, except what you want it to think. By being in  the dark, I can have deeper thoughts, and focus on things that are more important.

 When your mind is clear like that, you are more calm, more relaxed, because your not thinking about tomorrows math test...Unless that's what your thinking about... Freaking forget about math!!!

Think about Love or Life, or something that you can ponder and think deeply on. Something more important than stupid math class!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, Its so much easier to focus on what you want to think about in the dark because there is no light to bring out all the distractions. Love this post a lot!
