Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Small Dreams

Those moments you have when your by yourself
looking up at the sky and you start to imagine...

Here is one of mine...

Lying down on a small hill covered by comforting soft grass.
Lying next to me is the most beautiful girl I have ever known.
I feel warm like my whole being is wrapped up in a blanket.
Holding her hand tightly, as if it could slip away at any moment.
Looking up, I see an infinite assortment of stars that are without number.
Feeling like nothing could compare to the vast size of the universe in front of you. 
Except for the love I feel towards her.
Watching as the shooting stars fall out of the sky.
We talk all night.
Losing track of the time as if it didn't exist.
Wishing this night would never end.
When I look into her eyes, I lose myself.
When she looks into mine, I feel like she looks right through my soul.
Eventually I sit up and lean over her, gazing into her beautiful eyes.
She leans up, and I push her hair back.
Then we look at each other one last time as we both close our eyes.
Then find each others lips, and kiss.

Don't Judge


  1. This gave me the chills it was amazing

  2. Nelson I demand to know HOW IS THIS NOT TOP 5?

  3. If I were this writer I would drop out of school and write my way to Paris

  4. Um. K. Love this.

    And sorry, I judged.

    I judged you to be too amazing. Honestly.

  5. If good writing is cool, I consider you Miles Davis. (That's a good thing)

  6. "holding her hand tightly,as if it could slip away at any moment." Beautiful, its not worth loosening your grip.

  7. I literally can not express how freaking amazing this is!!!
