Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Living Legacy

The End...What is "The End"? To everyone "The End" is the end. The end of our lives. When our heart decides to stop beating. Our lungs decide to stop taking in air. When our soul leaves our body. When our life ends and so does our story. But the end isn't always "The End". There is usually a sequel to our lives, and that is written in the lives of the people we have touched. 

I want my life not to be just a book, but a best seller! I want it filled with moments, memories, experiences that people are going to love, enjoy hearing about, and learn something from. Knowing that people will be looking back on my life or what I do. I want people to learn something from me. That something I do, will rub off on someone else. That People will take the things they loved about my life, my story, and live them. 

Honestly, I am kind of angry about stories that start with "Once upon a time". I't starts being written only when the princess finds her true love. When they live "Happily ever after". Then They go flashing those big "The End" letters and then cut it to the credits!!! Whats the rest of the story!? Honestly, the best is still to happen. Their LIFE! That was only part of the story?! I want to hear the rest! I want to know if they have kids. If they really do live "Happily ever after"!  

My Ending... I don't want it to be a lame ending, no one likes those. I want my Ending, honestly, to never end. When I stop writing my story, because I'm dead, I will not say "The End".  My legacy will live on in the lives that I have touched, and not End, but keep being written. My story will continue. It will continue to live on in the people who I have touched. My book might be finished, but it never truly ends. Because there are sequels being written with those who have been touched by my story. 

Go out and don't just write your story, but Live it. You choose what is written in your book. Make them things you will treasure, and to the people who make your legacy live on. I want my "Ending" to be continued...



  1. I love the idea of your story living on in those you touch. Optimistic and uplifting. Thank you.

  2. "I want my life not to be just a book, but a best seller!" Quotable quote <3

  3. Just wanted to say thank you for the comment on my blog:)). It was so thoughtful and really made my day!

    Also I loved this post a lot.

  4. I hope this is not the end of your writing carrier

  5. This got me. I love this so much I dont know what to say.

  6. "You choose what is written in your book."
    So true! I love that. We all wanna have these amazing wonderful experiences happen to us in our lives but all we gotta do to have them is to go out there and be fearless. Living your life the way you want to live it. You've got an incredible unique outlook on life, I beleive truly it's a special gift.

  7. *believe I know how to spell but autocorrect sucks.
