Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Monday, October 20, 2014

Don't Miss Your Train

Each one of us is given a path to help us through life.

Train Tracks

The tracks lead us to our destination which we do not know.
The train is what gets us there.
By following the tracks, we are easily lead from one thing to another.
It is when we don't get on the train, that we get left behind.

When we get distracted by things that aren't important and lose track of time, or choose not to board the train. 
The train will depart with or without you, and continue on its intended course.

You will then be left to choose for yourself, to stay where you are now...Or you can choose to keep moving forward.

The path will be rough without the protection and safely of the train, and you may become lost, and never find your way.

But there is still hope... We can follow the tracks to hopefully catch up with the train.

Life will be harder and more challenging, but you can follow the tracks, and they will lead you to the next train station.
By missing your train, you have missed opportunities that the train would have passed you by.
But you could make those up, but boarding the train at the next station.

You are not alone on this train. Everyone you know is taking the same train, but not everyone chooses to ride it. 
Some choose to stay where they are and accept the way things are in there life at that time.
Others choose to walk the tracks, and others stray from the path and are lost.
If we just stick to the simple path that is laid before us, we will be successful.
We must embark the train, because it will not wait.
We need to know now what we want, before its to late, and you are left behind.

Life is to precious
Don't waste it trying to catch up with the train.
Stay with it.

Don't be afraid to embark the train of life, because nobody gets thrown off.


  1. I enjoyed this. Also, I'm not quite sure why but it really reminded me about this post about time:

  2. I really loved this concept. Everyone has a choice whether to ride or not. Well done.
