Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Living on

What does Death mean?
(first hit play on my first song)
  • the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
  • the destruction or permanent end of something.
Why do we fear death? The answer-I don't know.But I do believe there is a time and place for death to exist. I believe the reason we all fear death is because we are taught to fear it as a human race. The world makes the face of death look horrifying and scary. We grow up having the understanding that death is something to be feared. Why we fear death is simple. We aren't ready for it. We want to experience life. We want to live. We are afraid of death coming early. 

Well please answer me this then. If you want to live, why don't you?
Why don't you live the life you're given?! We spend all our time wasting it away. Not doing anything to make it enjoyable. Do you think that we are given this life just to waste it!? No we are not!

I Believe In God!

A God who creates. A God who loves each and every one of us. A God that knows my name. Who knows who I am. Who knows that I am here. Who has a plan for me. Who is proud of me. Who is Eternal. Who is helping me through this life so I can live on in the next.I'm not sorry for ranting on about God, because this is what I believe. This is everything I am.

Death is something that is feared because, people fear God. They are afraid of where they will go. What will happen. If we actually go somewhere after death. Afraid of going to Hell. Afraid that they have been living life with the wrong idea in mind. People are afraid of the truth. They want to stay in their little reality world. Not wanting to believe that there is a bigger picture. They don't want to look up from there screens to get a glimpse of the world that they are in.

For those who don't believe in God.What do you believe? 

I just don't understand Death from your perspective. We are born and live our life, and then we are rewarded with death. To permanently end. To cease existing. That just doesn't sound right to me.

The whole world is brainwashed to think that this is the only life we have. That we die and cease to live on. Our whole lives, we are given all these doors of opportunity and choices to choose from. 

Death is just another door. 

  • the beginning or coming into existence of something.
Death and Birth are complete opposites. Light and Dark. Birth is the beginning of exiting as someone. Death is just the end of our earthly body. It is not the end of ourselves. Our Spirit/Soul can not be destroyed: it can not end. It continues to live on; to exist. People think that Death is the End. We stop living and cease to exist. Death really is just walking through a door. Who you really are lives on. You are just leaving your body on earth, and going somewhere else. To Heaven maybe, I'm not sure. But that's just the way I look at it. 

Because honestly, I don't want to be afraid of something that I already know is coming. So instead of focusing on the End. I am going to focus on my Life now. So that when the day comes that I die. I can feel like I have truly lived life. Instead of fear it. Live life, don't fear it.


1 comment:

  1. I don't want to be afraid of something that I already know is coming.

    I feel this way about a lot of things. Mostly the day that we reveal who we are. But I agree with the logic. Why be afraid when I know it's coming.

    Thanks for writing about the hope in death, I think we all need it
