Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Dearest Heart

Dear Heart,

I just want to say thanks

Since we came into this world together, I never had the need to ask for anything. I never had to ask you to keep beating. You did that for me... You were always there, for me...

Because of me, you have been through heart break and pain. I keep making mistakes that end up getting us hurt. Love is hard. I keep making the wrong choices, but who doesn't? Its hard. I don't know all the answers to life's test, but I think we are figuring things out. No one gets 100% on the first try, am I right? I'm glad I have a friend like you who will go through that with me.

Thank you for being there during the hard times. For keeping me alive. For pushing blood through my veins. Pushing me to keep going. Pushing me to do my best. You never gave up on me. You just kept beating, kept fighting, kept striving. You kept me warm when the rest of me went cold. 

and I could feel that...

Because of you, I can love the things that are close to me; I can feel the world around me and the people that are apart of it; I can live my life knowing that everything will turn out alright. You have let me push you through so many things. and I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for you, my Heart.

So the least that you could allow me to do, that I will do, is carry you. I will carry you...
Thank you for keeping me alive. Because that's all we're doing, right? Staying alive...

Sincerely- Your Dearest Friend 

p.s. a heart is a heavy burden...but you are a burden that I would not, could not, live without.



  1. "You kept me warm when the rest of me went cold.

    and I could feel that..." Love this! Very inspired

  2. "You just kept beating, kept fighting, kept striving."


  3. "No one gets 100% on the first try, am I right? I'm glad I have a friend like you who will go through that with me." I needed this thanks. Great writing.

  4. "i can love the things that are close to me"

    okay yeah. yes.
