Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


You don't truly live life,
until you see what it has to offer.

I saw the sun,
peeking through the soft leaves.

I feel the wind,
pushing me towards my dreams

I smell the trees,
being pushed in the breeze.

I taste the water, 
running over my tongue.

I hear the air,
going through my lungs.

I fear the path that's coming
Because I don't know what will come.

I don't know my path, 
and the things that will come.

But I'm afraid to go back.

I wont look back,
 because that's for the weak.

I don't need to look back,
because I'm reaching my peak.

I don't know who I am,
that's why I am climbing.

To see what I can do,
And see, who I am too.

The trail is to hard, 
to head up alone.

But I brought my best friends,
to help me along.

With the help of my friends, 
they help me be strong.

There will be nothing out there, 
I can not overcome.

The climb is steep,
 and the trials aren't small.

But by working together,
We will get through it all.

Now I'm not sure what kind of person I will be,

With the help of my friends,
I have finally begun.

To change into the man,
that I've wished to become.


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