Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Healing Rain

 I saw a drop of water hit the pavement in front of where I was walking.
One by one they fell and began to pour down on me.
I looked up and could see the rain falling all around where I was.
I feel warm and cold at the same time as I am getting soaked.
And then I thought to myself.

"Why do we have Rain?"
The main reason is because we need it! But the real reason is...

Rain gives us life!

Rains role in this world it to pour life into everything. Into the trees, into the flowers, even into us. Every living thing on this earth requires one crucial element, and that is water. 
Some days we are feeling dried up and worthless.
We feel like the wind could just blow us away.
That warm feeling of raining conquers all those bad feelings. 

I feel like God gave us rain to make our bad days better, or days in general. 
Its one of the ways he can touch us in our every day lives.
I honestly have never known a day that wasn't made better by rain.
When we are having sad days, the rain falls to hide the tears.
Its there to comfort us when we are feeling down.
Its there to wash away our worries.
Its there to put a smile on our face.

Kissing in the rain, with your true love.
Splashing in puddles.
Driving though rain puddles.
Walking in the rain.

The world has a lot to offer, and Rain is just one.
Rain doesn't just get everything wet, but it gives us a fresh new start.

Rain isn't just Life, Its Healing.