Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Saturday, September 13, 2014

You define you

Being human is really interesting. 

We breath in, and we breath out. 

We walk around and get lost. 

We aren't really sure why we are here, but we do our best to figure that out as we live our life. 

We weren't given a instruction manual on how to live our life. 

We have to live life and figure it out for our selves. 

We make our own paths and chart our own courses in this world.

We make mistakes, but that is part of learning.

We try to survive every day against life's challenges.

We may find ourselves lost, but that is when we find who we are. 

We laugh out loud.

We create and destroy.

We can feel things physically and emotionally. 

We are amazing!!!

To be honest...there is no definition that would be correct enough to describe us.

We are just, what we are.

We get to define what it means to be human..

Because, to be honest...

Who really does?

"When we are lost, that is when we find ourselves"-Unknown

Check out my other Posts Below!!! 


  1. This is so good, and your blog design makes it even better.

  2. "We are just, what we are"
    so simple but really though.

  3. I really like this post. It shows the positive side of being a human when there is so much that could negatively be said.
