Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My Dearest Mom

Dear Mom,

I'll start off by saying thank you.
Thank you for all the times that we spent together, every single one.
For all the times that I needed a hug, and you were the one to provide.
Thank you for all the times we spent watching movies together.
For all the times you read me bed time stories and sang me songs.
Thank you for all the back scratches that I needed after a long day.
For all the times that you stopped what you were doing, to come help me.
Thank you for your words of comfort in times when I was in need of comfort.
For all the times you taught me how to do hard work.
Thank you for making breakfast in the morning and having a smile on your face.
For all the times that you made my bed, because I didn't have time.
Thank you for your love notes that made me smile.
For all the times you let me stay out late with my friends.
Thank you for all the late nights we spent talking on the stairs.
For all the times we spent going to the store or running air-ens.
Thank you for trusting me.
For being my close friend.
Thank you for loving me no matter what I did.
For putting up with me, when I was being a snot.
Thank you for teaching me life skills.
For raising me up all these years.
Thank you, for not only being a mother...but for being my mother.
For choosing me to be your son...

Mom, I'm sorry for the times when I made you cry.
For the times I didn't listen.
I'm sorry for not being honest with you all the time.
For the times that I lied and got one of my other siblings in trouble.
I'm sorry for stealing your soda drinks that sit around on the counter.
For all the times I snuk ice cream out of the freezer.
I'm sorry for all the times that I forgot to do my job.
For all the moments that I caused you grief.
I'm sorry for all the mistakes that I have made.
For not being perfect.
But I have learned from the best mom.
And have been able to turn those mistakes around.
I not a perfect son, but I have become what I am, who I am, because of you.

Mom, I love you.
And not in just the normal love kind of way.
The way God loves his children.
Its not a love that you can see, touch, or hear.
But a love that you can feel.
A love that you just know is there.
A love that will last for all time and eternity....Real love.
I see Real Love as service and sacrifice.
And that is what I see in you.

You have served me my whole life... and made countless sacrifices.
Funny thing about kids(well not actually funny), is that they watch you.
We watch our parents and the way that they take care of us, and we learn from their example.
You have taught many things.

I just want you to know that I have learned so much from you...and that I love you.
You have made me the man I am today.
And I hope that I make you proud.

Love- Your Son