Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Monday, March 9, 2015

Stolen Time

Day light savings. 
Nobody likes day light savings, especially teenagers. We have been robbed of our precious time. A whole hour was taken from us. One Whole hour! And because of this, the side affects are devastating. We lost a whole hour of sleep!

 It feels as if we have gone through time a whole hour. And now I'm left wondering, where did that hour go?

Because of this, It brought a new question to my thinking. What would you have done in that hour?
or better yet... What could you have done?...

Because this troubled me so, I looked up on the all mighty Google and searched 
"What can you do in an hour?"
Here are a list of many things that you could have done in that hour that was stolen from you.
  • Practice Meditation
  • Tackle someone or something
  • Organize your shoe collection
  • Sign up for a  painting class
  • Clean out the refrigerator ( I think it means to eat everything in the refrigerator)
  • Take a drive with the windows down
  • Learn how to knit
  • Just run
  • High speed chase with the police
  • Build a blanket fort
  • Have a bubble bath
  • Living room dance party
  • Bake some cookies
  • Eat all the cookies
  • Hang at Walmart
  • Go for a Nature Walk
  • Watch a TV episode
  • Just...nap
  • Read a dang book
  • Watch YouTube
  • Go hang with some friends
We spend to much time, wasting our time. Get out there and do something that you will remember, that will make you happy, that you want to do. We are running out of time. So use every moment like it is your last. 



  1. YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this is truth and literally I want my hour back :)

    1. Haha, Heck yah I am. I miss writing. It completes me.
