When I heard two kids talking.
One of them said,"Dude, your weird!" and the other simply replied, "No, I'm just different."
That thought stuck with me and I then decided to Blog about it. So here it is :)
We are all, what I guess you could say, normal people.
We all have lives.
We all work our butts off in school.
We all have plans for our future lives.
We all have questions to things we don't understand.
Here is one simple question that I have for you.
What is being Normal?
My answer to this question is simple. It does not exist!
Being normal is an illusion that people see in people that they wish they were like. They see whats different in themselves and compare it to those they think are normal and come to the conclusion that they must be different or weird.
The real answer to that is, you are not weird, different, or strange.
You are Unique!
You are like no other human being in the existence of time! You have a weird skill that no other person possesses. You should be proud of yourself for being different, because who wants to be the same as everyone else!? Stand out and and be you! Don't let society put you down because you don't conform to their norms. You define what is normal.
You, defines normal.
Be the emotional one
Be the fast kid.
Be the guy who loves poetry.
Be the girls who herd to the bathroom.(I would like to see a bunch of guys do that...that would be quite funny)
Be the Happy person people know you to be.
Be the Awkward kid people know.
Be the Person who speaks their mind.
Be the kid who can do a back flip.
Be the only you in existence.
Be weird.
Be Different.
Be Unique.
Be Normal?

You are who you choose to be...
You Choose!