Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Just Different

I was sitting in English waiting for class to start.
When I heard two kids talking.
One of them said,"Dude, your weird!" and the other simply replied, "No, I'm just different."
That thought stuck with me and I then decided to Blog about it. So here it is :)

We are all, what I guess you could say, normal people.
We all have lives.
We all work our butts off in school.
We all have plans for our future lives.
We all have questions to things we don't understand.
Here is one simple question that I have for you.

What is being Normal?

My answer to this question is simple. It does not exist!
Being normal is an illusion that people see in people that they wish they were like. They see whats different in themselves and compare it to those they think are normal and come to the conclusion that they must be different or weird.
The real answer to that is, you are not weird, different, or strange.

You are Unique! 

You are like no other human being in the existence of time! You have a weird skill that no other person possesses. You should be proud of yourself for being different, because who wants to be the same as everyone else!? Stand out and and be you! Don't let society put you down because you don't conform to their norms. You define what is normal.

You, defines normal.

Be the emotional one
Be the fast kid.
Be the guy who loves poetry.
Be the girls who herd to the bathroom.(I would like to see a bunch of guys do that...that would be quite funny)
Be the kid who holds the door open.
Be the Happy person people know you to be.
Be the Awkward kid people know.
Be the Person who speaks their mind.
Be the kid who can do a back flip.
Be the only you in existence.

Be Different.
Be Unique.
Be Normal?

You are who you choose to be...

You Choose!


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Concrete Heart

Everything we smell, taste, see, hear, feel...
Is everything we know.
All these smells, tastes, sounds, pictures, and feeling are all stored in our memory.

Our heart is where we store Love.
Love for your Families.
Love for our Friends.
Love for Things.
But there is a place in your heart for a different kind of love.

True Love

True Love is something that is rarely found.
It is more often built.

Your heart knows what it needs, not your head. When your head thinks it knows what love is, it usually is wrong. You end up falling in love with the things you can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste. Which don't matter!
Don't listen to your senses for what goes into your heart. Let your heart do that!

Trying to build love on just our senses will never work. 
There is no foundation! You will try and build it up, but it will come crashing down,
because you had nothing to begin with.
It was all in your head!

So we lay down our new foundation and pour the Concrete.

Love needs a foundation from which it can be built.
Otherwise it will fall...
You need to have faith in your heart. It knows what it needs. Don't be throwing in things you think are Love. 
Faith- Faith is to hope for things which are no seen, but which are true.
True Love is not the things you can smell, taste, see, hear, feel...
True Love is something that can not be seen  nor really described... but felt in your heart. 
True Love will never falter as long as you keep feeding love into each others hearts.

True Love- "Built upon a foundation that will not fall, no matter what comes crashing your way."-Hancock

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Take the bricks back!

Bricks in life can destroy us


When Life gives you bricks, just say...

"What the heck am I suppose to to with these?!"

"Take the bricks back!"

"I don't want your dang bricks!"

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Feeling

To- The Girl

I cried myself to sleep last night because of what I did. I was a total idiot. I don't know what I was doing, what I was Feeling, what I was hoping for.

The second, the very moment that I saw you, something inside me sparked. It was very small, but it only takes one spark to start a wild fire that can become uncontrollable. Getting to know you and who you were was my favorite past time. You were always on my mind. I was hooked! 

Seeing your beautiful face gave me the strangest Feeling. The Feeling of a million butterfly's trying to  break out of me at once. When we were together, It felt right. 

When I had to leave the first time we met because your mom said I had to go. I was devastated, because I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you. And when I was driving away, I wanted nothing more than to turn around and go back to you. Then the craziest thing happened. You texted me and told me to meet you at the movie theater. You have no Idea the Feeling and joy I had. I saw the first street on my right and I hit my brakes! I turned around without a second thought and I sped towards you. The Feeling was so alien I had no idea what i was doing. It was like something inside me was taking control and It wanted you. 

That wasn't the only time that I had that Feeling. When we want to see each other It always comes back. My chest feels warm, and I will do anything to get to where you are.

The moment we held hands. That Feeling was indescribable. I don't know where these Feelings come from. It comes every time you come to mind, every time I see you. Its crazy!

So when you texted me after work last night, wondering if I wanted to come over and watch "The Fault in Our Stars" with some of your friends, but mostly me. The Feeling took over, and I was on my way as soon as possible. Even though it takes me 45 minutes to drive to your house and you wanted me to come so late, I made it my first priority.

Then when I got there, I was the only person who showed up. No one in there right mind would have done this, but...I did. I came the latest, the farthest distance of anyone and I was the only one to show up.

The Feeling was over taking, looking for something, but I wasn't sure what It wanted. When I was with you the whole movie, The Feeling inside me felt different. It was confused, it was looking for something that wasn't there. It was looking for The Feeling inside of you, but you didn't have it.
At least not the same Feeling. 

It was hard to understand this Feeling inside of me. My mind knows what I want and how I want it, but then my mind shuts down and The Feeling turns on and takes over.

So I asked you, Why am I having this Feeling and why is it so confused? The answer you gave made was clear. The Feeling I was having was lost because, It knows that it shouldn't be turned on yet. I knew I didn't want to Feel this way yet, but The Feeling was uncontrollable.

That night My Feelings were broken. I now know that The Feeling shouldn't be searching for what it wants...It needs to be turned on, only when The Girls Feelings are the same.

I'm sorry for Feeling this way. I need to control my Feelings. I will hold on to them with all my heart, and let them go when there is no confusion, and The Feeling between us is real. 
Thank you for hurting me, so that I could realize that there wasn't anything there. At least not yet.

Sincerely- Your Prince John

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'm not sure what love is :/

What is Love? Is it...

When I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and get butterfly's and goosebumps... Is that Love?

When I hug her for the first time, and she puts her arms around my neck and she doesn't let go... Is that Love?

When she sees me across the hall, and squeezes through the crowd just to give me a hug and say hi... 

When she stares me in the eyes the whole time that we are talking, and she laughs at everything I say...

When I sit on the couch and she chooses the seat right next to me...

When our elbows touch for the first time, and she doesn't pull hers away...

When I take her to the movies, and I see that she has her hand out on her leg, and I take hold of it and we share a short glance at each other, and my heart just stops(yes, I know when girls are giving you the sign to hold their hand)...

When I'm walking with her and I cant get myself to hold her hand...and she grasps my hand, and locks her fingers with mine... Is that love?

When I call her on the phone, and we talk for hours about anything and everything...

When my heart aches every time that we are apart...

When we decide, that we will sneak out for the first time together...

When I drove through a rain storm at night, just to be with her and talk about things...

When we drove around and got lost, but we didn't care, because we had each other...

When we set out a blanket on a hill and watched a lightning storm together... 

When we watched movies in my basement and we would snuggle under a blanket and not pay attention to the movie...

When I picked you up from your house, and we drove to the park to look at the stars...

When she held me so close that I could feel her own heart beat...

When I looked into her eyes and I told her that I loved her... Was that really love?

When I lifted her chin, and kissed her lips for the first time...

When I held her close to me as she cried, and I cried with her... 

When I would do anything for her... Was that love?

But that one day came...
and it all changed...

I thought that you loved me, but I know now that you must not have, because if you did...
Wouldn't we still be, together?...

I'm now here trying to make scents of my feelings...wondering if what we had was real...
Because I somehow cant forget about you, but you somehow were able to forget about me.

I'm trying to forget you, but you became apart of my soul, and you ripped it right out.

But I have fixed my heart, and I wont give it away so easily.

And so you see...I'm not sure what love is, because if all that wasn't love...

Then what is?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

You define you

Being human is really interesting. 

We breath in, and we breath out. 

We walk around and get lost. 

We aren't really sure why we are here, but we do our best to figure that out as we live our life. 

We weren't given a instruction manual on how to live our life. 

We have to live life and figure it out for our selves. 

We make our own paths and chart our own courses in this world.

We make mistakes, but that is part of learning.

We try to survive every day against life's challenges.

We may find ourselves lost, but that is when we find who we are. 

We laugh out loud.

We create and destroy.

We can feel things physically and emotionally. 

We are amazing!!!

To be honest...there is no definition that would be correct enough to describe us.

We are just, what we are.

We get to define what it means to be human..

Because, to be honest...

Who really does?

"When we are lost, that is when we find ourselves"-Unknown

Check out my other Posts Below!!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Healing Rain

 I saw a drop of water hit the pavement in front of where I was walking.
One by one they fell and began to pour down on me.
I looked up and could see the rain falling all around where I was.
I feel warm and cold at the same time as I am getting soaked.
And then I thought to myself.

"Why do we have Rain?"
The main reason is because we need it! But the real reason is...

Rain gives us life!

Rains role in this world it to pour life into everything. Into the trees, into the flowers, even into us. Every living thing on this earth requires one crucial element, and that is water. 
Some days we are feeling dried up and worthless.
We feel like the wind could just blow us away.
That warm feeling of raining conquers all those bad feelings. 

I feel like God gave us rain to make our bad days better, or days in general. 
Its one of the ways he can touch us in our every day lives.
I honestly have never known a day that wasn't made better by rain.
When we are having sad days, the rain falls to hide the tears.
Its there to comfort us when we are feeling down.
Its there to wash away our worries.
Its there to put a smile on our face.

Kissing in the rain, with your true love.
Splashing in puddles.
Driving though rain puddles.
Walking in the rain.

The world has a lot to offer, and Rain is just one.
Rain doesn't just get everything wet, but it gives us a fresh new start.

Rain isn't just Life, Its Healing.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dont Eat Crayons

We have all tasted Crayons before when we were kids.
Here is a list of Delicious crayons you might want to try if your interested.

These are real crayon color name, and what they taste like.

Almond: Tastes like wax
Apricot: Tastes not like an Apricot
Asparagus: Tastes like wax
Beaver: Tastes like a crayon
Burnt Orange: Tastes....really bad
Chestnut: Tastes like wax
Corn flower: That don't sound very delish
Cotton Candy: Tastes like lies!
Egg Plant: No one wants to try Egg plant in the first place
Inch worm: Don't eat it
Macaroni and Cheese: Tastes like wax
Melon: Tastes more like, dang wax
Mulberry: Sounds like a moldy berry
Peach: You lied to me, this doesn't taste like peaches
Pink Sherbet: Tastes like a crayon
Plum; Tastes like wax
Raw Umber...? Sounds like a type of tree bark
Salmon: Tastes like Salmon! JK no it don't
Tumble Weed: That doesn't sound very delicious.
Wild Strawberry: Tastes like Wild Strawberry.....(no, it does not) :'(
Wild Watermelon: Tastes like wax

Yummy!!! If you now have sudden urges to eat crayons. 
Go right ahead, no one cares. Except for the people seeing you do it.... They will probably think you are weird, and be very afraid...... But who cares what people think! Have fun!

Found this picture of Bert....and it made me happy:)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Being a Kid

What do you remember about being a kid?
When i was a kid, I remember drawing pictures all the time.
Riding my roller blades around the block.
Making Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches when ever I was hungry.
Making sweet bike jumps in the street.
Freakin Lemonade Stands.
Having a crush on all the cute girl.
Playing on playgrounds.
Building forts in the living room!

These were the best moments of our lives.
Just living to enjoy life.
But now we are forced to grow up and forget all of that.
We are forced to move on. 

The only way to enjoy life, is to never fully grow up.
We need to keep our creativity flowing. 
We need to be kids.