Thank you, to all my class mates and friends who read and supported my blog. I have been inspired by all of you.

- Kent Adams

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Removing the Mask

Everyone is taking their masks off.....So here I go.

I first would like to give a thank to all my friends who read my blog and supported me.

Thank you Nelson for all the amazing topics and eye openers in class. You have allowed me to open up my creative side. 

Thank you to everyone who commented on my blog, because every time I got a comment, It would push me to keep writing. 

A very special thank you to my muse Sydnee King, for allowing me to open my heart and feel again, and that angels really do exist.
Love you so muchez ;)

To the people who Don't know me.

If you really knew me, you would have know that I am a goof.
That I am a jerk sometimes, because I love you.

If you really knew me, you would know that Love is all I am.
That I watch the sunsets.

If you really knew me, you would have known that My Friends are everything to me.
That I am a party animal!
If you really knew me, you would know that I love Nature.
That I love to have deep conversations.

If you really knew me, you would know that I need to be loved.
That I am fragile.

If you really knew me, you would know that I love to laugh.
That I love to make others laugh.

If you really knew me, you would know that I cherish friendships.
That I am a very open person.

If you really knew me, you would know that I love to give hugs.
That I love to listen to music.

If you really knew me, you would know that I am not perfect.
That I have made mistakes.

If you really knew me, you would know that I am respectful.
That I honor peoples wishes.
If you really knew me, you would know that I am a gentleman.
That I am a hopeless romantic.

If you really knew me, you would know that I am a friend.
That I am someone that you can come to for anything. 

I am not John Hancock. He is my great, great, great, great Uncle...or so I'm told.
He is such a boss. So I felt like Hancock would be a worthy pen name.

I am John Kent Adams
If you really knew me, you would know that I go by Kent.

Surprise!!! I hope that you guys liked my Blog. This will not be the last time I write. Because how could someone give up writing!? Writing has changed me. Thank you Nelson.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

We are Memories

To remember something, it first had to have had a place in our heart. It has to spark something within us. Something to make our eyes feel inspired to hit the record button. To start taking in the moment. The smell, the touch, and the taste. The moments that have a rightful place within us. 
I don't remember a lot of things. Like School
I wish that I had a place in my heart for that kind of stuff. Being able to remember details all the way down to how things tasted and felt. But I can't remember a stupid equation from my math class.

Mainly because I don't have a place for it in my Heart.

I believe that the trigger for the recording of our memories, are done simply by the things that make us happy or hurt. You can easily recall any memory where you were happy.

  • drinking chocolate milk
  • eating pizza
  • watching movies
  • dating
  • beating a boss in a video game
  • winning
  • being rewarded for something
  • the sunset
  • falling in love

But we can easily recall the moments that have hurt us. Where pain, misery, hurt, or sadness have made an impact in your life.

  • spilling the chocolate milk
  • broken bones
  • death
  • heart break
  • mushrooms
  • falling
  • farts
  • love

If you think about it. Every thing that we remember is something that we have learned about ourselves. What we like or dislike.

We remember who we are by having these memories. 

I feel sorry for people who have lost their memories, because when we lose our memories, we lose the things that were closest to us. The things that make us who we are.

If I were to lose my memories, I would have lost who I am. Without our memories, we are nobody. Memories make us somebody.
We build ourselves up, all our lives.
If you forget your memories, then you will forget who you are.

Without memories, what are we?


Monday, December 1, 2014

William Shakespeare

Reading Shakespeare enlightens my mind. 
It makes me think, and I like that.

I'm pretty sure some of these aren't really written by Shakespeare, but lets just forget about that shall we.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Dearest Heart

Dear Heart,

I just want to say thanks

Since we came into this world together, I never had the need to ask for anything. I never had to ask you to keep beating. You did that for me... You were always there, for me...

Because of me, you have been through heart break and pain. I keep making mistakes that end up getting us hurt. Love is hard. I keep making the wrong choices, but who doesn't? Its hard. I don't know all the answers to life's test, but I think we are figuring things out. No one gets 100% on the first try, am I right? I'm glad I have a friend like you who will go through that with me.

Thank you for being there during the hard times. For keeping me alive. For pushing blood through my veins. Pushing me to keep going. Pushing me to do my best. You never gave up on me. You just kept beating, kept fighting, kept striving. You kept me warm when the rest of me went cold. 

and I could feel that...

Because of you, I can love the things that are close to me; I can feel the world around me and the people that are apart of it; I can live my life knowing that everything will turn out alright. You have let me push you through so many things. and I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for you, my Heart.

So the least that you could allow me to do, that I will do, is carry you. I will carry you...
Thank you for keeping me alive. Because that's all we're doing, right? Staying alive...

Sincerely- Your Dearest Friend 

p.s. a heart is a heavy burden...but you are a burden that I would not, could not, live without.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Souls in the trees

Nature is our escape from the fake world we call Society.
Nature is our escape from the fake reality we live.
Its whats real...


Nature wasn't built
It was created... Just like us
It isn't a world that was built by humanity, by Society, by our minds
It was created... Just like us
It is beautiful... Just like us

We can touch it
You can feel it
You can see it
You can smell it
You can...
hear it...

We were made for each other
We have all these senses and you can use all of them because of Nature
Nature tries to connect with us...
I sometimes think I hear Nature whisper to me...
but all I can hear is the wind blowing...

I feel a connection within me... Why?
I don't know...

Like how the trees ask for me to climb them...
How the grass wants me to lay with it...
How the mountains call me to climb them...
The beaches beg me to walk on them...
How the sky wishes me to look up at her...
The clouds want to race me...
The ocean calls me to swim in her embrace...
How the sun wants to warm my skin...

We don't just feel Nature
Its trying to feel us
Feel what its like to be Human

Nature is trying to connect...

We wonder why Nature is peaceful... 
because it connects with us...

It connects to the soul within us
The souls in the trees, in the grass, in the sun
We are all living
We are all connected

Not built, but created...
Given a soul so that we can live

Only when you go out in Nature and shut out the world you thought you knew, that you can open your eyes to a whole new world....
A whole new view on life...

That you can truly connect...
and feel what its like to have peace...


(P.S: I had this thought when I was getting ready for bed. Not the most convenient time, but It works for me. Goodnight)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


You don't truly live life,
until you see what it has to offer.

I saw the sun,
peeking through the soft leaves.

I feel the wind,
pushing me towards my dreams

I smell the trees,
being pushed in the breeze.

I taste the water, 
running over my tongue.

I hear the air,
going through my lungs.

I fear the path that's coming
Because I don't know what will come.

I don't know my path, 
and the things that will come.

But I'm afraid to go back.

I wont look back,
 because that's for the weak.

I don't need to look back,
because I'm reaching my peak.

I don't know who I am,
that's why I am climbing.

To see what I can do,
And see, who I am too.

The trail is to hard, 
to head up alone.

But I brought my best friends,
to help me along.

With the help of my friends, 
they help me be strong.

There will be nothing out there, 
I can not overcome.

The climb is steep,
 and the trials aren't small.

But by working together,
We will get through it all.

Now I'm not sure what kind of person I will be,

With the help of my friends,
I have finally begun.

To change into the man,
that I've wished to become.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Living on

What does Death mean?
(first hit play on my first song)
  • the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.
  • the destruction or permanent end of something.
Why do we fear death? The answer-I don't know.But I do believe there is a time and place for death to exist. I believe the reason we all fear death is because we are taught to fear it as a human race. The world makes the face of death look horrifying and scary. We grow up having the understanding that death is something to be feared. Why we fear death is simple. We aren't ready for it. We want to experience life. We want to live. We are afraid of death coming early. 

Well please answer me this then. If you want to live, why don't you?
Why don't you live the life you're given?! We spend all our time wasting it away. Not doing anything to make it enjoyable. Do you think that we are given this life just to waste it!? No we are not!

I Believe In God!

A God who creates. A God who loves each and every one of us. A God that knows my name. Who knows who I am. Who knows that I am here. Who has a plan for me. Who is proud of me. Who is Eternal. Who is helping me through this life so I can live on in the next.I'm not sorry for ranting on about God, because this is what I believe. This is everything I am.

Death is something that is feared because, people fear God. They are afraid of where they will go. What will happen. If we actually go somewhere after death. Afraid of going to Hell. Afraid that they have been living life with the wrong idea in mind. People are afraid of the truth. They want to stay in their little reality world. Not wanting to believe that there is a bigger picture. They don't want to look up from there screens to get a glimpse of the world that they are in.

For those who don't believe in God.What do you believe? 

I just don't understand Death from your perspective. We are born and live our life, and then we are rewarded with death. To permanently end. To cease existing. That just doesn't sound right to me.

The whole world is brainwashed to think that this is the only life we have. That we die and cease to live on. Our whole lives, we are given all these doors of opportunity and choices to choose from. 

Death is just another door. 

  • the beginning or coming into existence of something.
Death and Birth are complete opposites. Light and Dark. Birth is the beginning of exiting as someone. Death is just the end of our earthly body. It is not the end of ourselves. Our Spirit/Soul can not be destroyed: it can not end. It continues to live on; to exist. People think that Death is the End. We stop living and cease to exist. Death really is just walking through a door. Who you really are lives on. You are just leaving your body on earth, and going somewhere else. To Heaven maybe, I'm not sure. But that's just the way I look at it. 

Because honestly, I don't want to be afraid of something that I already know is coming. So instead of focusing on the End. I am going to focus on my Life now. So that when the day comes that I die. I can feel like I have truly lived life. Instead of fear it. Live life, don't fear it.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Living Legacy

The End...What is "The End"? To everyone "The End" is the end. The end of our lives. When our heart decides to stop beating. Our lungs decide to stop taking in air. When our soul leaves our body. When our life ends and so does our story. But the end isn't always "The End". There is usually a sequel to our lives, and that is written in the lives of the people we have touched. 

I want my life not to be just a book, but a best seller! I want it filled with moments, memories, experiences that people are going to love, enjoy hearing about, and learn something from. Knowing that people will be looking back on my life or what I do. I want people to learn something from me. That something I do, will rub off on someone else. That People will take the things they loved about my life, my story, and live them. 

Honestly, I am kind of angry about stories that start with "Once upon a time". I't starts being written only when the princess finds her true love. When they live "Happily ever after". Then They go flashing those big "The End" letters and then cut it to the credits!!! Whats the rest of the story!? Honestly, the best is still to happen. Their LIFE! That was only part of the story?! I want to hear the rest! I want to know if they have kids. If they really do live "Happily ever after"!  

My Ending... I don't want it to be a lame ending, no one likes those. I want my Ending, honestly, to never end. When I stop writing my story, because I'm dead, I will not say "The End".  My legacy will live on in the lives that I have touched, and not End, but keep being written. My story will continue. It will continue to live on in the people who I have touched. My book might be finished, but it never truly ends. Because there are sequels being written with those who have been touched by my story. 

Go out and don't just write your story, but Live it. You choose what is written in your book. Make them things you will treasure, and to the people who make your legacy live on. I want my "Ending" to be continued...


Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Little Things

When you look into my eyes
When you smile at me (big)
(big) When you laugh
When you touch me (big)
When you hug me
When you say my name
(big) When you sing out loud
When you talk to me about anything and everything (big)
When we hold hands tightly
When you call me a goof
When you send me winky faces in our texts ;)
When you talk with me in my car
(big) When you make me proud
When you say that your hungry and that we should go get some food.
When you want to help
When you ask me about anything
When you look pretty (which is always)
When you want to be with me (big)
(big) When you keep me updated on your life, because I care about you
When you give me hugs (BIG)
When you hope that I get home safely
When you tell me that you had an amazing time
When you kiss my cheek
When you care about other people
When you want to show me things

When you notice the little things I do (big)

Every single little thing that makes you who you are, makes me smile. I want to know every single little thing about you. I want to know the person who I'm having these Feelings for. And I want you to know who I am. I hope your feeling the same things that I'm feeling. Because that would be awesome ;) 

And those Big things will become the Great things.


Friday, October 24, 2014


Fears of mine...

I fear of going to sleep and never waking up. Never getting to feel that cool morning air on my skin. Watching the sun rise over the mountains. Eating a warm breakfast. The feeling of a new day. So I am grateful for each day that I wake from my sleep, and get to feel the morning.

I fear I'm not good enough for my parents. I'm not the little boy I use to be. I have changed. I am trying to start my life. I am becoming who I am. I hope I make you proud, because I still love you. I may not have it all figured out yet, but Mom, don't you worry, because I was raised by the best. 
You and Dad.

I fear that my heart will be broken. I have been through some tough stuff. I have had a few times in my life where I thought I was feeling love. But with every experience, I realized that there was more to learn. Eventually I thought I found it. I had reached the understanding and feeling of love, but I only found that there was still more to be learned. I don't want to reach the end and find that love isn't as strong as I thought. I want to find what I believe is love, and prove that it is real. I want to prove that you can truly love someone with all your heart. That you can love and be loved. That love is the most powerful force in the universe. I think it would kill me. For me to put all my love into someone, and watch them throw it away. 
I don't want to be shattered. 
I want to be loved.

I fear what my future will be like. What I do now in my life will affect my future. Everything I am working on is helping work towards my future. If I get an F in school. There goes the Scholarships. If If I cant control my spending habits,. There goes my credit. I don't want to make the wrong choices and in return, get a  future I didn't want. 
I want to be successful. 
I want to be happy.

I fear that no one is listening. That what I say goes unheard...unread. No one takes it to thought. No one takes it to heart. That all these things that I express are going by unnoticed or being ignored. That the feelings I put down on paper are just words to the lifeless souls that people are. I want to know that I am heard. That people are listening. I fear that no one will understand. 
Even if no one listens. That wont stop me from writing. 
Because one day. 
Somebody will hear me.

Fear has no control over you, until you give it control.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Don't Miss Your Train

Each one of us is given a path to help us through life.

Train Tracks

The tracks lead us to our destination which we do not know.
The train is what gets us there.
By following the tracks, we are easily lead from one thing to another.
It is when we don't get on the train, that we get left behind.

When we get distracted by things that aren't important and lose track of time, or choose not to board the train. 
The train will depart with or without you, and continue on its intended course.

You will then be left to choose for yourself, to stay where you are now...Or you can choose to keep moving forward.

The path will be rough without the protection and safely of the train, and you may become lost, and never find your way.

But there is still hope... We can follow the tracks to hopefully catch up with the train.

Life will be harder and more challenging, but you can follow the tracks, and they will lead you to the next train station.
By missing your train, you have missed opportunities that the train would have passed you by.
But you could make those up, but boarding the train at the next station.

You are not alone on this train. Everyone you know is taking the same train, but not everyone chooses to ride it. 
Some choose to stay where they are and accept the way things are in there life at that time.
Others choose to walk the tracks, and others stray from the path and are lost.
If we just stick to the simple path that is laid before us, we will be successful.
We must embark the train, because it will not wait.
We need to know now what we want, before its to late, and you are left behind.

Life is to precious
Don't waste it trying to catch up with the train.
Stay with it.

Don't be afraid to embark the train of life, because nobody gets thrown off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thunderstorms, Math, and Love

I often find myself in dark places. I spend all my time outside when a thunderstorm rolls in. I wake up early and walk around my house with all the lights still off. I sit in my room at night and stare out the window at the moon. I find myself laying on the cold grass outside staring up at the stars.

Why do I do this?

I have been thinking, and I think I know why!

In the light, you can see everything. Nothing is hidden from you. Nothing!!! But in the dark, I can focus on things more. In the light you are distracted by everything, but in the dark, you cant see anything. By surrounding myself in darkness, my mind goes blank. It is not processing what it is seeing because, there is no light. I am not thinking about anything...

My mind becomes dark...

When this happens, your mind isn't thinking about anything, except what you want it to think. By being in  the dark, I can have deeper thoughts, and focus on things that are more important.

 When your mind is clear like that, you are more calm, more relaxed, because your not thinking about tomorrows math test...Unless that's what your thinking about... Freaking forget about math!!!

Think about Love or Life, or something that you can ponder and think deeply on. Something more important than stupid math class!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The One

  • Loves me for who I am
  • Makes me laugh
  • Gives me hugs
  • Smiles all the time
  • Not afraid to be her self 
  • She's my best and closest friend
  • Beautiful
  • Companion for life
  • Gorgeous eyes
  • Infinite Love
  • Adorable laugh
  • Beautiful Hair
  • Smells amazing
  • Loving Mother
  • Snuggles
  • Movie buddy
  • We will help each other through any challenge
  • Comfort one another
  • My Wife
  • Go on drives with me
  • Family
  • Someone to hold my hand
  • Make me a sandwich
  • Cuddles
  • Kissing
  • Enjoy the little things together
  • Have a life full of loving and caring
  • Attitude
  • Shes a babe
  • Freakin attractive
  • (There are to many!)
I just want to find the girl who will make my life complete,
and I'll do my best to make her life an experience she will never forget.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Stages of a Relationship

This is so you can know what stage you might be at in a relationship.

0). No idea who they are!

These are the people you pass in the hallways or on the street and you haven't got a clue of who they are.
1). You know there face, but not their name!
These are the people you recognize, but don't know them. like all the kids who grew up in your grade all through school.
2).You know the person!
You got there name down and you say hi to them in the halls and such, or the are your seat mate in school.
3). Friends!
You actually talk and have inside jokes. You don't just ignore them outside of class and school.
4). Hangout!
Successfully planned and outing where you will be together outside of school. Either at someones house, or at some random geographical location. The Cluuuub?
5). Elbow Touch!
Your sitting next to him/her watching a movie at the theater or someones house. The elbow, which has no nerves at all, comes in contact with the other persons elbow. Signaling that she/he is comfortable enough to allow you in their personal space.
6). Hand Hold!
The hardest decision and possibly thing a Man will ever do or accomplish, besides the Kiss! It is not easy girls! We have this little mental breakdown and conflict in our brain, deciding if we should go for it or not. Anyways, this is when the two of you have enough feelings for each other that you hold hands. It feels good! You feel so great after you have accomplished this.
7). Snuggle/Arm Around!
The two of you are comfortable enough to share the same space. Wrapped up in each others arms, you feel safe, secure, and warm. The guy has his arm around the girl, and she curls up into his arms usually.
8). Kiss!
This one is huge! The feelings you have for each other can not be expressed strong enough by just hand holds, snuggling, and love talk. Kissing brings the two of you closer, if used right. This is a very strong and emotional thing. You shouldn't mess with it. Love will freakin punch you if you don't use it for its intended purpose. This crap is real!
9). Relationship!
A combination of the previous stages that make up this stage. The two of you get to know each other more deeply, and you learn to truly love everything about the person. But It doesn't always go the way you want it...which brings us to the next stage.
10). Breakup!
When, what ever you had before doesn't work anymore. This happens when the person you were in a relationship with, was not the one. The one person you will spend your whole life with. It happens mainly when you mess around with love. Some one will get hurt. Don't go through these stages like its a game. You should be sincerely searching for the right partner. Lame thing is you will usually never see each other again, or be friends. Your relationship is torn. You fall all the way back down to stage 2 or 3.... Sorry

But honestly its good to go though a few breakups to strengthen yourself. The experience is good, because you can learn from your mistakes. I know, because I have gone though some. And it has helped me understand what I really want. I want to be in love with the girl of my dreams, not with what we do. I want to love her for everything she is. If your lucky, you might be able to get to the next Stage...

11). Marriage! 
A combination of true love, respect, and allegiance for each other.

I'm not actually sure what to write for Marriage, but I will know when I get there.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Small Dreams

Those moments you have when your by yourself
looking up at the sky and you start to imagine...

Here is one of mine...

Lying down on a small hill covered by comforting soft grass.
Lying next to me is the most beautiful girl I have ever known.
I feel warm like my whole being is wrapped up in a blanket.
Holding her hand tightly, as if it could slip away at any moment.
Looking up, I see an infinite assortment of stars that are without number.
Feeling like nothing could compare to the vast size of the universe in front of you. 
Except for the love I feel towards her.
Watching as the shooting stars fall out of the sky.
We talk all night.
Losing track of the time as if it didn't exist.
Wishing this night would never end.
When I look into her eyes, I lose myself.
When she looks into mine, I feel like she looks right through my soul.
Eventually I sit up and lean over her, gazing into her beautiful eyes.
She leans up, and I push her hair back.
Then we look at each other one last time as we both close our eyes.
Then find each others lips, and kiss.

Don't Judge

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Just Different

I was sitting in English waiting for class to start.
When I heard two kids talking.
One of them said,"Dude, your weird!" and the other simply replied, "No, I'm just different."
That thought stuck with me and I then decided to Blog about it. So here it is :)

We are all, what I guess you could say, normal people.
We all have lives.
We all work our butts off in school.
We all have plans for our future lives.
We all have questions to things we don't understand.
Here is one simple question that I have for you.

What is being Normal?

My answer to this question is simple. It does not exist!
Being normal is an illusion that people see in people that they wish they were like. They see whats different in themselves and compare it to those they think are normal and come to the conclusion that they must be different or weird.
The real answer to that is, you are not weird, different, or strange.

You are Unique! 

You are like no other human being in the existence of time! You have a weird skill that no other person possesses. You should be proud of yourself for being different, because who wants to be the same as everyone else!? Stand out and and be you! Don't let society put you down because you don't conform to their norms. You define what is normal.

You, defines normal.

Be the emotional one
Be the fast kid.
Be the guy who loves poetry.
Be the girls who herd to the bathroom.(I would like to see a bunch of guys do that...that would be quite funny)
Be the kid who holds the door open.
Be the Happy person people know you to be.
Be the Awkward kid people know.
Be the Person who speaks their mind.
Be the kid who can do a back flip.
Be the only you in existence.

Be Different.
Be Unique.
Be Normal?

You are who you choose to be...

You Choose!
